
The game mechanics are simple, making it accessible even for people who are not familiar with video games. Similar to old-school text-based role-playing games, there will be no “active gameplay” that requires gaming skills. Basic reading comprehension and a certain degree of tactical decision-making when managing your characters are sufficient, whereby the system actively supports you in the latter.

Our system is also designed with respect for your time in mind. With passive gameplay at its core, it accommodates holders with limited availability. Whether commuting, on a coffee break, or winding down in the evening, our platform offers convenience. Simply logging in for brief periods, perhaps 1-2 times daily for half-hour intervals, empowers your NFTs to generate $CASH on your behalf.


The adventure unfolds through various dialogues with characters from the Immortal Parasite universe, presenting a range of missions of varying difficulty. Players must strategically select their team members for each quest to maximize success. But don't worry, the system offers transparent success probabilities for informed decision-making. Opting for 100% success ensures rewards every time, while risk-takers may venture with lower probabilities to save characters for further quests. Success probabilities are determined by comparing character skills with adventure requirements; meeting or exceeding these guarantees 100% success, with deviations lowering the probability accordingly. Our provided success values simplify this process, eliminating the need for advanced mathematical skills.

Once you have started the adventure, all you have to do is wait until your team has completed it. These times vary depending on the difficulty and reward of the mission between 6 and 24 hours in real time, whereby you can also influence these times over time by improving your characters. Once the timer has expired, you can end your adventure by clicking on “Finish Mission” and claim your (potential) rewards.

It is important that your NFT characters remain in your wallet at all times during these adventures until they are completed and do not change ownership or are listed on one of the common NFT marketplaces. If our system detects any of these things, the adventure will fail even with a 100% chance of success. This is our modern form of staking.


The rewards you receive for successfully completing a mission are predefined by the quest giver. Nevertheless, the individual rewards, such as $CASH or XP, can be increased by several multipliers of your adventure team. You can receive the following rewards for completing missions:

  • Character XP (Increase the level of your NFT)

  • Account XP (Increase your seasonal account rank)

  • $CASH

  • (Quest) Items

  • Special Merchant Currencies

  • (Seasonal) Traits

  • Character or Faction RP (Increase your Repuation)

  • In extremely rare cases, your team will find additional rewards on their adventure, distinct from those provided by the quest giver. The rate can be influenced by the “Luck” value of your team.


Every character and faction (Citizen, UWO, Underworld) has its own reputation rank. Initially, at the beginning of your adventure career, quest givers will only entrust you with simple missions. Your reputation ascends as you accomplish more missions, both with the specific character and the overarching faction they represent. Elevated faction reputation typically unlocks more challenging missions with enhanced rewards for all faction members. A character reputation results in exclusive gifts and story missions with unique rewards.

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